Publié par LaWineTech le

3 – Distribuer

Version française :

Cuvée Privée est une marque e-commerce qui réinvente la distribution et la consommation de vin et de produits du terroir. Nos clients choisissent parmi une sélection de producteurs d’exception, dont ils recevront toute l’année des produits personnalisés et issus d’une agriculture durable.

English version :

Senseen is a start-up created in 2020 focusing on the challenges of agroecology in particular with an active research cooperation with the Centre national d’Agroécologie. Some of the objectives are to better understand the living, to know what we eat and to use routine measurements to help progress towards sustainable agriculture. This is why this start-up has developed what the community has called a « food scanner ». This portable, scalable and affordable field tool is already capable of measuring new parameters that indicate plant stress. A real decision support tool, it supports agro-ecology and can learn to measure all kinds of parameters such as pH, Redox Potential or Brix on various products (soil, plants, fruits, vegetables, fodder…). This near infrared scanner (SPIR) is a real laboratory in your pocket. One of its ambitions is to equip each farmer with a scanner to support a massive transition towards agroecology.

Informations complémentaires :

Catégories : 3 - Distribuer

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